HMC HealthWorks offers a critical look into work-related traumatic stress in an article written by CEO and Founder, Dr. Janis DiMonaco, and senior clinicians Jane Wolfe, Senior Vice President of Clinical Operations, and Suzanne Smolkin, Vice President of Behavioral Health. “Helping Employees Cope with Workplace Trauma”, appeared in Benefits Magazine, the trade publication available to members of the International Association of Employee Benefits Plans (
With our organization’s commitment toward the improvement in population health, we point out that employers may not be able to prevent work-related traumatic stress among employees, but through responses including critical incident stress debriefing, or CISD, options are available.
To learn how to help employees cope with workplace trauma, learn more from the article link below.
Helping Employees Cope With Workplace Trauma
Reproduced with permission from Benefits Magazine, Volume 54 Number 7, pages 48-52, July 2017, published by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (, Brookfield, Wisconsin. All rights reserved. Statements or opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views or positions of the International Foundation, its officers, directors or staff. No further transmission or electronic distribution of this material is permitted. Subscriptions are available for purchase by contacting us at 888-334-3327, option 4 or