Since most of us spend the majority of our day at work with our co-workers, it is important to take notice if a coworker has a change in productivity or attendance. While the signs below could be depression, other mental health issues or a medical condition, it is helpful to know they might be signs of substance abuse too.
- Being late to work, often with no explanation
- Leaving work early
- Making mistakes on easy tasks
- Falling asleep on the job
- Taking longer and longer lunch breaks
- Going to the bathroom more often
- Using all their days off or sick time
- Having problems meeting deadlines
They might also have a change in personality, behavior, or appearance. You may see that they:
- Pay less attention to hygiene than they used to
- Are antisocial, especially if they used to be outgoing
- Are more moody or angry
- Have dilated pupils
- Have a runny nose
- Mention suicidal thoughts
- Tell lies about themselves
- Loss or gain weight unexpectedly
- Wear long-sleeved shirts at inappropriate time